I like to use analogies to explain things, it helps people understand things better.
I've been trying to think what would be a good analogy would be for ADHD to help people understand what the symptoms are like, and I think I've got it.
It's like using a computer that's on the blink or has a virus. Consider this, how frustrating would it be if you computer switched applications without warning, dropped information, anf turned on the sleep function after about 2 minutes of non-use? Pretty frustrating huh? That's what it's like having ADHD for me anyway.
I can be working on something as pleased as punch, and then without waring I find myself working on something else, then back again, like a computer switching you from Excel to Word, then to Powerpoint for a while, then the internet, then back to Word, now some video edting, and on and on even though you know you really need to be working on that Excel spreadsheet. And now that you've almost finished that Word document the file goes missing! I forget things all the time! Now you've been working on that powepoint for a few minutes and the computer goes to sleep, much like how I will be working on something that maybe doesn't engage my brain completely and BLAMO, I'm nodding off.
I heard that ADHD may be due to parts of the brain not getting enough glucose (sugar) This makes a lot of sense. I self medicate myself all the time by either drinking cafein (somethign I try to avaoid) or by eating starchy or sweet foods. raising my energy level temorarily and bring about a bit of productivity. I actually think that once I start taking some medication I will loose this extra 20 or so pounds that I carry. I try to eat healthy, but when your brain says you're going to
sllep if you don't feed me and it's 2:30 in the afternoon, you're going to grab some jelly beans or potato chips to get you through the end of the work day. If given the chance I would eat all day long, a constant sugar drip would do me wonderfully.

God Damn, it just happened, I was typing and the next thing you know my freakin eyes are closed!
I just learned my son has ADHD with hyperactivity. He’s a Sophomore in High School. We're thankful to have found the INK FOR ALL content tool, he does really well with it. I wanted to tell other moms about it: http://bit.ly/2DWi1K9