Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nothing much (part2)

Still nothing much to report on the treatment front, still waiting for the appointment date to finally roll around.

I found it interesting that in my packet of information I got from the clinic that my $300+ 2 hour appointment includes one hour of paperwork! So, I'm paying for and hour of paperwork! Man, what a disappointment, I figured it's worth the cash for a couple hours with the Doctor, but I hadn't really expected to pay to do the friggin paperwork.

I'm going to keep the appointment and just go with it at this point, maybe it's more than that, maybe they will have an underling do an intake interview or something that actually is more than me doing paperwork on my own.

I'm still struggling with things, in my personal/professional life, but it's a little easier when you have some understanding of what's going on and can justify your actions to some degree in your mind. The past couple weeks have been pretty up and down as far as symptoms go. I had a few really bad days when I think maybe I had a bug or something I was operating in a pretty thick brain fog which may be due to food allergies (I have food allergies) perhaps something got to me that I didn't realize was there.

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