Monday, July 13, 2009

Vaction is over and another dissapointment

I'm back from vacation. I had a really nice time hiking in the Smoky Mountains with my wife. We camped and took in the sights for about a week.

I had what I'd call a maybe ADHD experience that nearly ruined our trip. We have a credit card tied to the NWA air miles. As you may be aware NWA was bought by Delta and the air miles creidt card is transitioning to AMEX from Visa. The transition took place while on vacation, and even though they sent several notices to us about the change we somehow didn't figure it out and were left 1000 miles from home with no credit card. Thankfully we had enough cash to cover our basic expenses and the trip was not ruined. I'm not sure how much of that was ADHD and how much of it was jus tbeing a moron. I may never know.

I ran into another roadblock with my search for treatment. They Psychiatrist I've been trying to see has rejected by testing as insufficient, meaning if I want to see her I will have to submit to a new round of testing with her psycologist which is an expense I'd rather not pay to tell me something I already know. Why she can't just see me I don't know, according to my previous therapist it's quite obvious to anyone with training that I have it. I think the new lady is just trying to cover her bases, she seems kind of cautious over the phone. Perhaps it is for the best that I won't be seeing her because she may be too cautious about perscribing the right amounts or types of drugs. This was something my previous therapist warned me of.

I am going to have to go back to the BCBS list and find a new person to treat me, Oh how fun that will be.


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